Casa de Seles Run – 2023-06-02

AO: Shroom
QiC: Seles
Pax Count: 2
Pax List: Chaingang, Seles
FNG Count: 0

Two brave PAX took off on a run to YHC’s neighborhood and back (but where was Dubya?)

Warm up:

10 Toy Soldiers, 10 Hairy Rockettes, 10 Low, slow squats i.c.

The Thang:

Run north on Roberts to Spalding then turn right

Run into 4 Seasons neighborhood past YHC’s abode then back to Spalding

Back south on Roberts from Spalding then up Dunwoody Village Parkway to get in 5 miles.


YHC took us out.

Naked Man Moleskin: