A Bit Ambicious – 2023-09-09

AO: Warning Track
QiC: Who Dat
Pax Count: 8
Pax List: Biscuit, Boo, Chowda, Cotter Pin, Dow, Neon, Suit, Who Dat
FNG Count: 0

Side Straddle Hops 25x

Michael Phelps 25x

High Knees 25x

Run Around the Park

The Thang:

10 Stations for 2 Minutes Each with Around the Horn between each. If you get back early, you do burpees until everyone has returned.

#1 Tire Flips & Medball Slam

#2 Weighted Jump Rope

#3 KB Swing with 45 lb plate

#4 Blockees

#5 Suicides

#6 Decline Merkins

#7 Double Unders

#8 Ab Rollers

#9 Planks

#10Rope Climb